Zapatos hechos a mano Atlantis

- Handmade Turkish Shoes curada por Wonena - Delaware, US

57 productos

Atlantis Handmade crafts handmade leather barefoot footwear, including shoes, boots, slippers, and sandals suitable for various occasions. Their designs honor a 700-year-old Turkish shoemaking tradition, ensuring each piece reflects heritage and quality. All the shoes are vegetable-tanned, avoiding the use of toxic chemicals.

Thanks to their flexible and thin design, the brand promotes mindful movement by allowing your feet to move naturally. This design encourages a deeper connection with your body's movements and the environment, fostering a more conscious walking experience.

  • 🌍Planeta

  • 🤝 Gente

  • 100% Plant Derived

    Circular Program Exceptional Quality

  • Family Owned

    Mindful, Body Inclusive y Ancestral Crafts Low-Impact Dyes Handmade

Si bien algunas de nuestras marcas cuentan con certificaciones de sustentabilidad reconocidas a nivel mundial , otras están dando pasos graduales hacia estos objetivos con una sólida mentalidad ecológica . Todas se guían por valores éticos , salarios justos y conciencia ambiental.

De pequeñas vibraciones a poderosas olas

Valor la sostenibilidad

Committed to sustainability, Atlantis Handmade utilizes natural rubber, 45% recycled, and vegetable-tanned leather, avoiding toxic chemicals. They collaborate with tanneries holding a "Gold Certificate" from the Leather Working Group, a recognized ethical practice with leather that guarantees the brand emphasizes environmentally responsible practices. They provide transparent information about their materials and sustainability practices, fostering trust and educating consumers on the importance of eco-friendly choices.

Los impulsores detrás de su historia

Desarrollado por una comunidad de Family Owned

Atlantis Handmade Shoes was founded by two childhood friends who shared a passion for ancient handcrafting methods. They learned the 700-year-old Yemeni-style shoemaking technique from Southern Anatolia, Turkey, artisans. They aim to preserve this traditional craft using eco-friendly materials and processes by creating high-quality, handcrafted leather footwear, including slippers, sandals, and boots.

  • Handmade

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