
- Conscious Clothing curada por Wonena - India

6 productos

Reistor creates eco-friendly, minimalist fashion for women inspired by the colors of the earth. The brand focuses on timeless designs crafted from sustainable materials. It aims to blend style with conscious choices, offering functional, comfortable, and adaptable pieces to various lifestyles.

  • 🌍Planeta

  • 🤝 Gente

  • 100% Plant Derived

    Sustainable Mindset Timeless Design y Exceptional Quality

  • Family Owned

    Fair Labor y Gives Back

Si bien algunas de nuestras marcas cuentan con certificaciones de sustentabilidad reconocidas a nivel mundial , otras están dando pasos graduales hacia estos objetivos con una sólida mentalidad ecológica . Todas se guían por valores éticos , salarios justos y conciencia ambiental.

De pequeñas vibraciones a poderosas olas

Valor la sostenibilidad

Committed to reducing environmental impact, Resistor uses biodegradable fabrics, sustainable dyes, and minimal waste packaging. They use trims that do not contain elastane or other non-biodegradable materials, such as hemp, linen, Tencel, bemberg, and organic cotton. They partner with GreenStory to offset their carbon footprint, making their products carbon-neutral and environmentally responsible.

Los impulsores detrás de su historia

Desarrollado por una comunidad de Family Owned

Reistor, co-founded by siblings Mehma and Harjas Singh, is a sustainable fashion brand rooted in their family's four-generation legacy in textiles. Inspired by the need for positive change, the Singh brothers aspire to integrate ethical practices across sourcing, production, and sale. They are fourth-generation textile and fashion entrepreneurs.

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