Tu única tierra

- Natural Personal Care curada por Wonena - Ohio, US

39 productos

Your Only Earth offers diverse products designed for the body, bath, and home. Their offerings include non-toxic skincare items such as healing remedies, exhilarating concoctions, and loving skin care products. The product offer comprises face and body care items, vegan soaps, natural remedies, and dog products. Each product is crafted with a commitment to sustainability and organic ingredients.

  • 🌍Planeta

  • 🤝 Gente

  • 100% Plant Derived

    Locally Sourced

  • Women Owned

    Ethical Sourcing y Community Welfare Low-Impact Dyes Handmade

Si bien algunas de nuestras marcas cuentan con certificaciones de sustentabilidad reconocidas a nivel mundial , otras están dando pasos graduales hacia estos objetivos con una sólida mentalidad ecológica . Todas se guían por valores éticos , salarios justos y conciencia ambiental.

De pequeñas vibraciones a poderosas olas

Valor la sostenibilidad

Sustainability is at the core of Your Only Earth's mission. They emphasize using organic and natural ingredients in their products, avoiding synthetic additives and harmful chemicals. By producing small-batch skincare items, they ensure freshness and reduce environmental impact. Their dedication to eco-friendly practices reflects a commitment to personal health and the planet's well-being.

Los impulsores detrás de su historia

Desarrollado por una comunidad de Women Owned

Founder Christie O. Duffy, a former teacher, and mother, was inspired to create non-toxic products after her oldest daughter, Anna, developed a mysterious illness over 20 years ago. Christie discovered that Anna was allergic to many common ingredients in household and personal care products, so she began crafting her remedies and skincare items to ensure her family's well-being.

  • Handmade

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