Marketplace Service Terms and Fees

Last update: February 1st, 2024. Next review date: June 30, 2024
To enroll in any of these services you must be an approved seller and complete additional information:
  • Wonena Marketplace Service: If you are using the Wonena Marketplace Platform, you are user of this service. There is no current subscription fee to Sell or use the Wonena Marketplace services. 
  • Wonena Bulk Product Upload: If you need Wonena to upload your products via spreadsheet, you can use this service. There is no current fee to use the service at the moment.
  • Wonena Seller API: If you need Wonena to provide the necessary technology to pull data from your website, you can use this service.  There is no current fee to use the service at the moment.
  • Referral Fees: Depending on the product type, Wonena can charge for every item sold through the Wonena website. The fees can vary depending on different factors, and they can range between 8 to 20%.  These fees can change anytime and will be notified at least 30 days prior change. 
  • Variable Closing Fees: Depending on the product type and brand, Wonena may charge a Variable Closing Fee. These fees can change anytime and will be notified at least 30 days prior change.
  • Wonena Translation Services: If your product and brand description is provided in another language, this service must be used. There is no current fee for Wonena to translate your brand and product information.
  • Prepaid Returns Service: If you have a default US return address, you must use this service, free of charge. This address is to be specified in the Wonena Marketplace Portal.  There is no current fee for Wonena to assist your brand's prepaid returns services.